
The inspiration for the name of this site is my maternal grandma, Vi.  She loved cardinals and was always happy to see one. Since my grandma’s passing in 2010, every time  I see a cardinal, it is as if my grandma is with me once again.  They tend to turn up in times of trouble, and that bright flash of red is all that I need to know everything will all turn out all right.

Some of my favorite memories growing up involve my grandma – days spent in the kitchen with her while she hummed a nondescript tune and boiled bologna and fried potatoes, or mixed up a cake.  She was a selfless woman, and I can only hope to be half as amazing as she was.

As for the butter comment, that credit goes to my grandpa.  The only bumper sticker ever allowed on his car when my mom was growing up was one that said, “Only love beats butter!”


Now who is the Cooking Cardinal?  I am a self taught chef and baker.  I went to school for international business, and had the opportunity to go on amazing adventures while studying abroad in Spain and Argentina where I ate things I never thought I would, like cow intestine and blood sausage, and enjoyed every disgusting bite.  Looking back on my education, however, I can’t help but wonder if I should have considered culinary school more seriously.  I guess I’ll just have to settle for my informal, trial and error style of learning, I’ve done pretty well by it so far!

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